The Hiram Key
Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas
Published by Arrow Books Limited 1997
Non Fiction
Jesus was a Mason!
Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas are a couple of Freemasons who decided to look into the origins of their Craft. The results of their inquiry – published as The Hiram Key — are so utterly shocking that the book left this reader sitting in stunned amazement.
First of all, for those of you who are not aware, Freemasonry is a type of covert society with a set of secret handshakes and passwords. It is a social club (a brotherhood) where men get together to drink beer and perform obscure, complex rituals that they themselves do not understand. Almost every major town in Canada and the U.S. has a Lodge (as their clubhouse is known). The identity of members is considered privileged information (whatever, boys).
Knight and Lomas felt that the Craft’s rituals and mysterious code words were pointless and meaningless. So they asked the higher-ups what things meant and were surprised to find out that no one really knew much about the origins of Freemasonry.
Their research takes them back in time to ancient Egypt and a king called Seqenenre Tao(whom they discover is the first link in the Masonic philosophy). King Tao was not only aKing, he was also part God (as was the norm). When this God/King dies, his secrets diealong with him. But some survived and were passed down in scroll format to Moses, amember of the Egyptian royal family. Moses took great care of these secrets, securingthem in what is now known as the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark is passed down to the lineof David, where it is placed in the centre of their world: the Holy of Holies (KingSolomon’s Temple). This can be considered the origins of Judaism.
Then there is a long period of war and the widespread belief that “the end of the age is coming.” A small uprising started in the area of the Dead Sea called the Qumran Community. These people are called the Essenes, the authors of the now infamous Dead Sea Scrolls. In 27 AD, a young man named Jesus Christ joins this movement. The original meaning of his name has been edited to please the Roman Catholic Church (as has much of the Bible). Knight and Lomas argue that Jesus was not the son of God, but simply a brilliant politician of his times. He believed in the old (by his time) Laws of Moses, which were the secrets of the Egyptian King. After his death came a flood of misinterpretations of his work and message. He did not want to be known as a divine being, but as a leader, a Messiah (which means a King in waiting) for Jerusalem. The facts, the logic and the history presented in The Hiram Key are difficult to argue with. Even the Vatican is worried about the findings and the true story of the man they presume is the son of God.
Hundreds of years later, the Knights Templar come Into the picture. They excavateKing Solomon’s Temple and find untold secrets and treasures. This discovery helps themestablish their order. When the Knights were exiled in 1307 AD, some sought refuge inScotland while others are said to have crossed the Atlantic to settle in New England (predating Columbus by almost two centuries). The Templars are also credited with building the Roslyn Chapel, where the authors believe the Ark of the Covenant is buried within the foundation of the chapel itself. The Chapel is an exact replica of the Temple of Herod (the rebuilt Temple of Solomon). The authors are in the process of seeking authorization to excavate the foundation of the Roslyn Chapel.
It is thus suggested that Freemasons established America. George Washington was a Mason.Of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence, seven of them were Masons.Among other famous members of the Lodge: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Benjamin Franklin,Henry Ford and much of the royalty of the English and Scottish thrones. According to TheHiram Key, Moses, King David, Jesus and his followers, the Qumran Community and theKnights Templar are all Freemasons. The philosophy and mysterious rituals of the Craftoriginate from the ancient Egyptians and the king-making processes. For further details,read the book for yourself. Get your own copy if you dare. You will never look at historyor religion in quite the same way again.