A new year is upon us.
Isn’t it always strange that it is only this time of year (besides birthdays) that we all look back and reflect on our past.
This is why it is the time that we make resolutions to further ourselves in the game of life. We draw on our past experiences, this past year and others before, and determine how we can be a better human being.
It may be smoking, drinking, wieght, whatever but we all agree there is someway that we can change our lives to be better. At the very least we tell these things privately to our innermost selves, especially the tough ones.Sometimes we make it and keep those resolutions and sometimes we don’t.
The important thing though is that you make them. When you stop you are giving up on yourself because all those resolutions come from the foundation of your being. A realization of the past that made you what you were helps determine your future direction in keeping with what you believe in. Not only is hope alive in a resolution but the realization that you are in some way still learning and growing.
Once personal growth stops you become like a clogged up creek… stagnant. So even if you don’t think you need to make a resolution this year, sit back and take another look. No one and nothing is perfect. There is always room for improvement no matter how big or small.
I wish you luck in making and fufilling those resolutions this year. My personal resolution is to make a stranger smile and a friend laugh at least once a week. I also plan to do something about those bad hair days. Alex Roslin’s resolution I hear is to figure out how to drive his bike all winter without freezing his bu… er, nose off. Ernie Webb promises to wake up earlier. At least that’s what I think I overheard. Neil Diamond promises to root out all the interesting gossip in the Cree communities. Look for him at any bedroom window peering in. I think this one was a joke… I hope! Deantha Edmounds, our in-house opera singer, has promised to show me how to shatter a glass with my singing voice. Catherine Bainbridge promises to stop smoking January 8th and again on February 8th. Linda Ludwig, our accountant and social convenor, promises to find better hiding places for the petty cash. Rhonda Sherwood, our marketing director, says she’ll finally get some of those scratch-and-sniff perfume ads in The Nation. Katerina Cizek, Joanne Grenon and Nian Matoush are worried about their parents reading this so no comment. Paul Rickard says hi to everyone at home.
May you and yours know the fullness of the blessings of the Creator in he coming year.