Chisasibi’s Anjabowa Daycare Centre (Anjabowa Kinwhymausogomik) is inviting everyone to its grand opening

Tues., Oct. 25.

The new daycare building has been in operation since June 1993, but hasn’t been officially opened yet. Before that, the daycare was located in the old Bake Cree. The old daycare had spaces for 25 children aged 18 months to 6 years.

It became clear to the daycare’s board, parents and the wider community that the daycare needed a new building to accommodate more children as well as infants aged under 18 months.

A fundraising campaign in Chisasibi raised $60,000 toward the $300,000 cost. The rest of the money came from loans, donations and grants.

The building was completed by Chee-bee Construction in May 1993. The new building has space for 55 children, including six infants. The language used at the daycare is Cree, but there are non-native children as well. For more info call 819-855-3322.