Wondering whether you’re tax exempt for a recent purchase? Or how much money you’re entitled to for Child Tax Credits? These and other questions will be answered by a new First Nations Advisory Committee.
Federal Minister of National Revenue John McCallum and Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine announced the creation of the committee February I to identify and address tax and benefit administration issues affecting Aboriginals.
“I am committed to ensuring that the Canada Revenue Agency does its part to build new partnerships with First Nations,” Revenue Minister McCallum said in a press release. “This committee will help the CRA ensure its procedures and services effectively support First Nations peoples in accessing benefits such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit and the GST/HST credit while recognizing their rights to certain tax exemptions.”
AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine added, “It is true that Canada’s Constitution and the historic treaties between First Nations and Canada create a unique situation for our peoples, and this is not always well understood. This advisory committee will be a useful and constructive forum to discuss issues of mutual concern and, ideally, resolve any issues before they become problematic. This is a positive example of partnership in action.”