10-15 year olds Category
Most Positive Player: Bernadette House (Chis.)
Best Hustle: Paula Menarick (Chis.)
Most Helpful Player: Staneley Swallow (Chis.)
Most Improved Player: Adam Gates (Chis.)
All-Around Player Award: Jason Langdon (Chis.)
“Gym Rat” Award: Conway McKenzie (Chis.)
Special Coaches Award: Evelyn Tanoush (Nemaska)
16 years and over Category
Most Positive Player: Chad McKenzie (Nem.)
Best Hustle: Greg Kanatewat (Chis.)
Most Helpful Player: David Herman (Chis.)
Most Improved Player: Liette Neacappo (Chis.)
All-Around Player Award: Tim Matoush (Mist.)
Coaches Award: Paul Pachano (Chis.)
Special Coaches Award: Mimie Neacappo (Chis.)
3-on-3 Tournament Results
Girls’ Finals: Chisasibi Fugees (Champions), Chisasibi Nikes (Finalists)
Boys’ Finals: Chisasibi Too Hot to Handle (Champs), Eastmain Future (Finalists)
Youth Women Finals: Chisasibi Crazy Cougars (Champs), Nemaska (Finalists)
Youth Men Finals: Chisasibi Indians From Hell (Champs), Nemaska Baby Bulls (Finalists)
Women’s Finals: Chis. Dazed & Confused (Champs), Chisasibi Women (Finalists)
Men’s Finals: Chis. Hall of Pain (Champs), Chis. Super Sonics (Finalists)
Contest Winners
Knock Out Contest: Jason Langdon
3-Point Shot Contest: Paul Moses (youth), Calvin House (adults) Free Throw Contest: Darren Gilpin (boys/girls, 10-13), William Sam (youth, 14-17), Clarence House (adults)
Hot Shot Contest: Conway McKenzie (youth), John Fireman (adults)