Why does NASA have an installation at LG-1 complete with satellite dish and other strange gadgets?

We at The Nation felt like we were caught in a bad episode of The X-Files as we tried to get to the bottom of NASA’s presence in Iyiyuuschii. Are they keeping an eye on UFO sightings? Is there something Crees should know about? Is the truth really out there?

First off, we called up NASA’s Canadian office in Montreal, where a certain Dr. Dipak Talapatra said he was in charge of NASA for all of Canada and claimed his was the only NASA office in the whole country. “As far as I know, NASA has no facility there. If it was there, I would know about it.”

Is NASA investigating UFOs? Talapatra wasn’t very helpful on that either. “I don’t know. I saw some reports that the Air Force or some military people were looking into that. Otherwise, I have no idea what’s going on.”

The people at NASA’s Washington headquarters were no more help. “I don’t believe it’s necessarily a NASA facility,” said a public-relations official, who suggested it might just be some company that has the same name as NASA. Hmm…

A call to Hydro-Quebec’s Radisson office proved a little more fruitful. An HQ official confirmed what NASA denied: It is a NASA facility. We got faxed an interesting scientific article from some Quebec magazine. Supposedly, NASA is there studying movements of the Earth’s crust.

“This area was once covered by an immense glacier, and now that it has been freed, the land is moving around and breathing. This creates a lot of movement and we are in a region that is particularly active,” explains a NASA scientist.

Apparently, James Bay is moving about a centimetre each year and the land “is rapidly transforming.”

A centimetre each year! In the 20 years that Hydro-Quebec’s dams have been in Iyiyuuschii, that means nearly a foot. What effect has this had on the hydro installations? Was this taken into account in Hydro’s planning? Is this being considered in plans to bury nuclear waste in the Canadian Shield?

The Nations investigation continues. Stay tuned.