Ladies, gentlemen and other readers of Rez Notes I humbly accept your nomination for Grand Chief. Thank you. If elected I pledge to change my title to a less loftier one such as Grand-But-Still-Modest-Chief. I also promise not to complain bitterly after signing agreements that the other party is not fulfilling its end of the bargain. You know they will be broken. During my reign I will abuse power only on weekends. Starting, of course, on Thursday nights and ending Monday evening. I will not be photographed while slumped over a drink filled table at a certain bar in Dorval. I will hire one of my brothers to look into and expose any and all cases of nepotism in the Cree nation. Any gifts I receive from heads of state during my rule, I will hand over to the head office in Nemaska where common folk such as yourselves can freely appreciate them. I shall go to and fro over the earth assuring people of all races and creeds that Cree is not a four-letter word. I will use all my earthly powers to separate from Canada and join our brothers in Antarctica. If I should fail in this sacred mission I promise to try again, again and yet again. So, please, promise you’ll vote early and often for me on election day.
As I’m sure you realize that most promises that politicians make never survive beyond the day they win. I hereby promise to you that every promise I’ve made during my campaign will follow this great and honorable tradition because that is the sort of guy I am. I am a traditionalist if nothing else!
Now back to the raison d’ĂȘtre of Rez Notes.
A message to the more numerous of our potential voters, the faithful readers of the Classifieds. Just a note on the state of the classifieds. Your calls have been getting through to the department and we are listening. Patience – we are working on it but many don’t know exactly how much we get. It’s a bit like a lottery, I guess. So, good luck. A small tip for guaranteed placement: Write legibly and concisely with spaces between the words or send in a photo along with a cheque made out the people in charge. Or, here’s an even better idea, send it in on a disk. Macs or PCs.
A student council is resisting a move… We interrupt this sentence to bring you fast breaking news from Will. Mistissini was “put on forest fire alert!” They also evacuated Troilus Mines just a drive away from the community. No one was hurt… What were we saying? Oh yes, the move. Another time maybe.
Waskaganish was the destination of several hundred westcoasters from Kash, or is it Cash, several weeks ago. The details are a bit fuzzy at this point but I believe many were put up in peoples’ homes and they filled up the Lodge with Elder guests. The Kashites were fleeing a flooding of their river. The more adventurous of the victims headed for Moosonee where there was fun to be had.
We’ve actually had requests for music news. Kiss, Metallica, Sting and Styx! in a free outdoor concert and also Tracy Chapman. When? We’re working on that too. Some of these are just around the corner. So call your connections.