The election for chairperson of the Cree School Board, held July 10, settled very little.

There were six eligible candidates running for the post, with no one receiving more than 29 per cent of the vote.

As a result, a run-off election is scheduled to take place July 31. Advance polls will be open in Cree communities on Monday, July 28.

The top two candidates, William Mianscum and the incumbent Mabel Herodier, will square off for chairperson of the CSB.

They received 28 per cent and 29 per cent of the vote respectively, of a total of 2060 votes.

The term of office as chairperson is for three years.

To be eligible, one must be a Cree beneficiary of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, be of the age of majority (18 years of age by July 10, 2003), and not be affected by any legal incapacity.

One of the bolder predictions by Herodier is that she wants to double the success rate of Cree students to a 30 per cent graduation rate by 2007. She then hopes to double that figure to 60 per cent two years later. Needless to say, she has her work cut out for her.

Herodier says her record over the last three years speaks for itself. Through her leadership, the board was able to:

Get approval for a new Cree Regional Vocational Training Centre, which is slated to be built in 2005.

Introduce a “pedagogically-driven budget.” Setting the guidelines for spending for principals, education services, and the finance department.

Partnership in the Apatisiwiin agreement to assist 150 Cree in securing well-paying jobs with Hydro Quebec.

As ex-Chief of Mistissini, as well as excommissioner of the CSB, Mianscum has a fair amount of political experience. Unfortunately, he could not be reached for comment.

For more information on the election, please contact John Henry Wapachee, Chief Returning Officer at 819-673-2182.