
Subject: 2012 Annual General Assembly

Whereas the location of the 38th meeting of the Grand Council of the Crees and the 35th meeting of the Cree Regional Authority Annual General Assembly must be determined by the members of the 2012 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority.

Be It Resolved:

That the next (2012) Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and the Cree Regional Authority be held in Waskaganish at a date to be determined by the Board of Directors of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and the Council of the Cree Regional Authority.
Resolution No: 2011

Subject: Rupert River Diversion Impacts Concerning Remedial Works

Whereas at the Annual General Assembly held on July 19, 20 & 21, 2011, the members of the Crees of the Waskaganish First Nation have brought up some concerns about the impacts of the Rupert River Diversion;

Whereas the diversion project impacted the normal navigation on the Rupert River at the mouth which flows into the Rupert and James Bays;

Whereas the members still use the Rupert River extensively to access choice fishing areas and their trapping and hunting grounds on other rivers flowing into Rupert and James Bays and along the Coast;

Whereas the members of the Crees of the Waskaganish First Nation at the 2011 Annual General Assembly deem it necessary and appropriate to demand to Hydro-Québec that the necessary remedial works be undertaken immediately to address the impacts and fulfill the commitments that were made concerning the mouth of the Rupert River and the Rupert Bay;

Be It Resolved:

That the members of the 2010-2011 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority hereby mandate the Board/Council of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority examine the process by which the necessary human and financial resources can be provided to support the Crees of the Waskaganish First Nation in their pursuit to have Hydro-Québec implement remedial measures in regards to the impacts on the mouth of the Rupert River and Rupert Bay, in particular those impacts related to the continued use and navigation of the Rupert River and Bay by the Crees of Waskaganish including such measures but not limited to the dredging, establishment of marina, clean-up and creation of an aesthetic shoreline.
Resolution No: 2011

Subject: Waskaganish Access Road Concerning the Resurfacing and other Improvements on the Waskaganish Access Road

Whereas pursuant to the New Relationship Agreement signed February 2, 2002, construction works started on the Rupert River diversion project which included extensive use of the Access Road and impacted the members of the Waskaganish First Nation and other users of the Access Road and community roads;

Whereas the use of the Access Road and community roads in the said works contributed to extensive vehicle damage, such as broken windshields from flying debris, flat tires from sharp stones, and also affected the health of community members with respiratory problems;

Whereas the members of the Crees of Waskaganish First Nation deem it appropriate that all necessary measures be taken to improve the condition of the Access Road and community roads;

Whereas the said works shall include but not be limited to the resurfacing, safety signs and other improvements, and that pavement be installed on the Access Road and community roads of the community of Waskaganish;

Be It Resolved:

That the members of the 2010-2011 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority hereby mandate the Board/Council of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority examine the process by which the necessary human and financial resources can be provided to support the Crees of the Waskaganish First Nation in their request to restore and improve the condition of the Access Road and community roads of Waskaganish.
Resolution No: 2011

Subject: Issues from Delegates of Whapmagoostui

Whereas the Whapmagoostui delegates would like certain matters to be followed up that affect their community as well as others.

Be It Resolved:

That the members of the 2010-2011 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/ Cree Regional Authority hereby request that Board/ Council of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/ Cree Regional Authority address the following:

1. A mentorship program for youth with the Cree Naskapi Commission (1 from coast, 1 from inland);

2. Review of the Inuit and Cree mining policies and how these two policies will affect Whapmagoostui;

3. Review of the Plan Nord with a view to pre-empting hydro projects or massive flooding in the Whapmagoostui area;

4. That a process as called for in the framework agreement on governance between the Cree and Inuit be put in place to address the overlapping issues with respect to Cree and Inuit Governance;

5. Consultants – That the GCCEI review the business links and partnerships that exist between the consulting firms and other companies in other to eliminate conflict of interest by firms who provide financial or other technical advice to the Cree Nation;

6. Funding allocations – That the management and leadership of the GCCEI/CRA regularly update and consult the local councils in how the allocation process used to determine the priority in terms of allocating capital projects in any fiscal year and develop short term (3 years) and long term (8 years) plans;

7. Development of a policy to require that Cree political candidates publicly disclose financial contributors to campaigns including amounts;

8. Review of the past 8 years of AGA resolutions and update the status of implementation; and

9. Conduct a review of the environmental and social impact, such as contamination and debris from mining exploration activities with a view to ensuring greater environmental and social protection in Eeyyou Istchee.

Subject: Youth Week recognition by GCCEI and Local Band Councils

Whereas the Cree Nation Youth Council (CNYC) having met at Old Nemaska, on July 26, 27 & 28, 2011 for the Annual Youth General Assembly and it was Resolved that a “Youth Week” be established, recognized, supported and funded by local Band Councils and GCCEI/CRA;

Whereas “Youth Week” would involve the active participation of Regional and Local Leaders and other Cree entities;

Be It Resolved: That the members of the 2010-2011 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/ Cree Regional Authority hereby call for the recognition, establishment and support of “Youth Week” throughout Eeyou Istchee by the Board/Council of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Regional Authority and other Local Authorities and Regional Entities.

Subject: An urgent need to address addictions /dependencies by all Cree organizations in Eeyou Istchee.

Whereas, substance abuse in the Eeyou Istchee has reached levels of epidemic proportions and will continue to worsen if we do not make significant changes.

Whereas, our children first use of substances is at an average age of 11 and 12 years old and now having some children as young as 8 and 9 years old using for the first time.

Whereas, there is evident correlations between, children using substances and or parents substances use, and school; academic achievements, absenteeism, drop out and high school graduations.

Whereas, communities members live in fear in our communities, for their own and for their children’s safety due to the increase of violence resulting from substance abuse.

Whereas, substance abuse and dependencies is affecting Miyuupimatisiwin of the individuals, the family and the communities in Eeyou Istchee.

Be It Resolved: That, the Cree Leadership and partnering organizations, commit themselves to share the responsibilities and to take concrete actions against substance abuse / dependencies to restore Miyuupimatisiwin in Eeyou Istchee.

That, this commitment will be confirmed by signing the; Bimutidah Shdiyimuwn, declaration for actions to address addictions/dependencies in Eeyou Istchee by all Cree Entities and Councils of the Cree Nation no later than one month

That, the Grand Council of the Cree, the Cree Regional Authority, the Cree Nation Communities and partnering organizations support to hold a Cree Regional Summit on addictions and dependencies before the next Annual General Assembly.

That, Cree Regional Working Group on Dependencies (CRWGD) be recognized as an advisory and consultative group for Eeyou Istchee on issues of dependencies and addictions and that the CRWGD, be mandated to;

-coordinate the regional Summit of on addiction and dependencies.

-follow up on past and future regional resolutions related to addictions and dependencies.
Resolution No: 2011

Subject: Support for Cree Business: Sweet Grass Restaurant

Whereas, Pheobe Blacksmith and her family have invested themselves and resources into the Sweet Grass Restaurant business which is a business that showcase and promotes the importance of Cree culture and in particular Cree cuisine in the city of Ottawa;

Whereas the Sweet Grass Restaurant is an important tool for promoting Cree culture, Cree communities and can play an important role in tourism develop as a tool for introduction to potential visitors from the South;

It is resolved

That the members of the 2010-2011 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) /Cree Regional Authority hereby applaud the Sweet Grass Restaurant for its showcasing of Cree culture and Cree cuisine and call on all Cree organizations to support the restaurant through patronage.